Fresh Meadow Country Club Weddings Wedding Photography
Wedding Photography Fresh Meadow Country Club Weddings
Wedding Photographer Fresh Meadow Country Club Weddings
Wedding photos in Fresh Meadow Country Club Weddings
A wedding in Fresh Meadow Country Club Weddings

Jamie + Jon

Fresh Meadow Country Club Weddings Wedding

I knew from the very initial meeting when Jamie + Jonathan's families came to tell us about the wedding plans how excited everyone was going to be for this day to come. It was easy to see how much thought went into all the planning. From the amazing backdrop of Fresh Meadow Country Club to amazing floral arrangements and their engagement photos sprinkled throughout the hallways, it was an enchanting evening. Everyone' spirits were so high, and their wonderful friends and families made us feel right at home the whole day. Jamie + Jonathan, thank you for choosing STAK to document your beautiful wedding!

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